I thought I was buying from The Londonist. So when I reached checkout and it asked me to proceed with buying my 'More T Vicar bag' I was totally confused. I wanted a map not a bag. Was 'More T Vicar' a slogan printed on it? You're probably thinking 'Gordon Bennett' by now, but it was only after abandoning the cart and was begged to reconsider that I realised what was going on. – How would you describe your experience with us overall (for our review page)?

I love the map of Anglo Saxon villages of London but it needs a title on it for strangers who might look at it. – Is there anything else you’d like to tell us?

  • 5/10 – How easy was it to buy from us?
  • 8/10 – How well did we keep you informed?
  • 7/10 – How happy are you with your purchase(s)?

30 Jul 23