Great website with great t shirts and other goodies. I was initially a little disappointed at the thinness of the actual shirt compared to others I had bought for a similar price but love the design. It arrived when promised too. Overall I'm pleased with my purchase and have had many favourable comments. – How would you describe your experience with us overall (for our review page)?

  • 10/10 – How easy was it to buy from us?
  • 10/10 – How well did we keep you informed?
  • 7/10 – How happy are you with your purchase(s)?

31 Jan 14

Person’s avatar

Hi Nik
Thank you for your feedback. We have taken steps to improve the weight of our Print to Order T shirt designs and certainly for the winter period (and probably beyond, depending on customer feedback) will be printing on a thicker quality T shirt.
Thank you for supporting our site and have a good week-end.
Best wishes
The team at MoreTvicar

Heather Wilde –